September 08, 2013



     HALO SEMUANYA!!! How r u guys? Gue baru aja nonton This Is Us, dan film itu tuh keren bangettttt<3 Oh iya di entri kali ini akan dibuat dalam dua bahasa, karena gue harap One Direction baca blog gue, dan "jika" mereka membacanya maka mereka ga akan kesulitan menterjemahkannya;;)

    Oke to the point ya guyzz.. Sebenernya ini curhatan yg agak lebay tapi gue akan ceritain sedikit yg ada di film This Is Us..

    Dari 1 bulan sebelum This Is Us tayang, gue udah mohon mohon sama papa biar dibolehin nonton bareng, awalnya sih setuju, mau dikasih uang malahan, tapi ga tau kenapa 2 minggu sebelum TIU(This Is Us) tayang papa merubah pikirannya dan melarang gue buat nonton film itu.

    Karena keputusan papa yang berubah itu gue sempet nangis 3 atau 5 kali ya? lupa wkwk. Dengan keputusan papa yang mutlak itu gue gak mau nyerah,karena masalahnya ini film 3D, sebuah hal yang mustahil untuk menunggu kaset bajakannya.

    Setelah berhari-hari berusaha minta izin akhirnya gue dibolehin nonton TIU!!! YEAAAA!!! *fangirling* Mungkin papa capek kali ya dengerin rengekan gue tiap hari wkwkwkwk. Akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk nonton sama temen gue, dan ketika masuk ke Mall yg gue tuju ternyata bioskopnya belom buka-_- Yaudah deh gue ke toko buku dulu.

    Ketika gue rasa bioskopnya udah buka, gue langsung ke sana, tadinya sih yg nunggu bioskop buka sedikit, gue kira antriannya gak akan panjang, ehhh ga taunya panjang kaya Hogwarts Express-__-

    Ini nih sebagian Partnya:

1.) Foto-foto One Direction
       Pada saat part ini yang nonton langsung pada fangirling semua.. haha incredible directioners!

2.) Lagu
       Di film ini sih emang banyak lagunya, tapi sebagian lagu ditampilin pas 1D tampil di Arena O2 London. Pas satu lagu diputar, judulnya sih gue lupa :D 1D meminta kepada para directioners untuk tepuk tangan, dan satu bioskop tepuk tangan semua! COOL!

3.) Zayn Calls His Mum
       Di part yang ini gue nangis kejer, ga tau kenapa gue lebay bangettt. Disini Mumnya zayn,waliyha(adik zayn) dan shafaa(adik zayn) melihat rumah baru dari zayn, lalu zayn menelfon ibunya dan menyuruh ibunya untuk menutup telfonnya sebelum zayn mula menangis :D
4.) Stages
       Di part ini stage-stage dimana the boys tampil di sorot bagian demi bagian, dan di part Madison Square Garden Niall menyamar dan membantu menemukan kursi mana yang beberapa directioners seharusnya menempati.

5.) X-Factor
       Di part ini the boys mukanya masih tampang polos wkwkw
6.) The End of the Film
       Nah part ini nih gue nangis lagi, kejer, serasa pengen diulang lagi filmnya, di akhir film pas diputer lagu Best Song Ever satu bioskop nyanyi semua, keren kan?

    Sebelum masuk ke dalem bioskopnya sih gue foto-foto dulu, nih liat keren kan ;;) :

    Habis balik dari bioskop gue mampir lagi ke toko buku beli Scrap Book Take Me Home 1D, maklum gue kan directioners baru, mangkanya baru beli scrapbooknya.. Pas mau bayar scrapbooknya gue baru keingetan kenapa gue ninggalin bungkus popcornnya? Padahal udah niat mau dibawa pulang dan disimpen. Akhirnya setelah bayar scrapbooknya gue balik lagi ke bioskop cuman buat beli popcorn lagi wkwkwk

    Intinya gue seneng bukan kepalang! Sampe rumah langsung masuk kamar dan fangirling wkwkwk . Ini cerita gue, mana cerita lo? :) -@mellanielisa


     HELLO EVERYBODY!!! How are you guys? I've just watched This Is Us, and that's very cool movie ever<3 At this time my entry will be made in two languages​​, because I hope One Direction read my blog, and "if" they read it, they will understand what I said.

    Okay to the point guyzz .. This story actually do a bit excessive but I will tell you all a little what's in the This Is Us Movie..

     Since 1 month before This Is Us movie come, I've pleaded with daddy to permitted me to watch This Is Us with Directioners Bekasi, originally licensed, would be given money instead, but do not know why 2 weeks before the TIU (This Is Us) my daddy changed his mind and banned me for the movie.  

      Due to poor decisions changed, I had cried 3 to 5 times, I forgot wkwk. With the absolute poor decisions I do not want to give up, because this is a 3D movie, an impossible thing to wait for pirated tapes.

        After days of trying I finally permitted to watch TIU!!! Yeaaaa!!! * fangirling * Maybe my daddy tired listening to my whining every day wkwkwkwk. Finally I decided to watch with my friend, and when I turns into Mall, the cinema did not open-_- Finally I go to the bookstore first.

     When I think cinema is already open, I immediately there, at the first who wait for the cinema opened just a little person, I do not think it will be a long queue, I do not suspect the queue will be long like the Hogwarts Express-__-

     This is the most part:

1.) The Pictures of One Direction
          At the time of this part of the fans were fangirling .. haha incredible Directioners!

          In this film presents a lot of songs, but some songs displayed when 1D performed in London's O2 Arena. By the time one of the song is playing, I forgot the title :D 1D request to the directioners to give applause, then all of directioners at the cinema give applause! COOL!

3.)Zayn Calls His Mum
          In part that I was crying out loud, I do not know why I was very excessive. Here, Zayn, waliyha (Zayn's sister) and shafaa's mom saw the new home from Zayn, and Zayn called her mother and told her mother to end the call before Zayn started to cry :D

4.) Stages
        In this part the stages where the boys performed, displayed side by side, and at the Madison Square Garden, Niall undercover and helped find a seat where some Directioners should occupy.

5.) The X-Factor
          At this part, the boys's faces are cuteee<3

6.) The End of the Film
         Well this part I cried again with a loud, seemed to want to repeat again the film, at the end of the film when it played the song Best Song Ever, the cinema is singing, cool right?

         Before I come to the cinema, I take some pictures first, cool right?;;)

         After leaving the cinema I go to bookstores anymore, I bought 1D Scrap Book Take Me Home, I'm the new Directioners, therefore I just bought the scrapbook .. When I want to pay the scrapbook, I remember why I left the popcorn's wrap?. Though already intend would be brought home and stored. Finally after pay scrapbook, I returned again to the movies just to have some popcorn.wkwkwk

          I felt very happy!!!!!! When I'm came back to home, I was fangirling at my bedroom wkwkwk, this is my story, hbu?:)

-Author : @mellanielisa on twitter.

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